Arena Ideas Portal

Selection of fields in title display

The settings of those portlets for short-title-display and full-title-display provide the possibility to select the fields to be displayed out of the bibliographical records. Unfortunately the dropdowns-menus, where the fields can be selected, offer a different selection in both cases (full-title vs. short-title). This inconsistence doesn't make any sense at all. All available fields in the bibliographic records should be availabe in both cases, even as actual the short-title offers more flelds to be displayed than full-title. Please standardize.

  • Adrian Nolte
  • Apr 23 2021
  • Under investigation
  • Attach files
  • Adrian Nolte commented
    April 23, 2021 08:50

    The settings of those portlets for short-title-display and full-title-display provide the possibility to select the fields to be displayed out of the bibliographical records. Unfortunately the dropdowns-menus, where the fields can be selected, offer a different selection in both cases (full-title vs. short-title). This inconsistence doesn't make any sense at all. All available fields in the bibliographic records should be availabe in both cases, even as actual the short-title offers more flelds to be displayed than full-title. Please standardize.